Leadership: Conflict at Work

Working with people, bound to bring CONFLICT. The differences exists, a team cannot agree with each other or reach a consensus. The good news about any organization is that, people disagree and the same is the bad news. Disagreement brings new ideas and approaches to proceed, whereas it also creates a rift amongst the team. So, it becomes very difficult for a leader to handle such disagreements. A leader should be open to new things and ways, provided it does not adds the opportunity cost.


Many researches and theories have been postulated on resolving conflict and conflict management, which definitely gives you an insight to tackle such contingencies. But, working with people, doesn’t let you escape the disagreement and hence you cannot avoid the conflict. Leading people always creates conflict, both within the department and with others in the organization. This be taken as a challenge, communication can break the ice, speak to people to help them coincide on the decision. Getting deep into the logic behind conflict is difficult, but the end result will be peaceful. Leader cannot get rid of conflict or conflicted people, but, leaders help them to get through it.

You cannot keep everyone happy, and no one could. Maxwell says, there are no two good consecutive days in a leader’s life. The best a leader can do is to verify each argument that seeds the conflict.

Tighten your belt and be prepared for another disagreement soon!