Learning, has it become smart? Is it called eLearning?

Don’t know much about it, don’t worry, the below text will make you understand it very well.

ELearning is the method of sharing information, primarily the learning content to the target audience through the digital media. This digital media is not constrained to computers only but stretched to smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices through the internet or through the file share mechanism. It is considered as the best practice to use the different form of technology to support learning.

Compared to the times earlier, we now have videos, interesting voice over explanations that strengthen our learning to the times we had paper, pen, a dense textbook and the board. Often it was like, losing the track or the interest by the time tutor was about to discuss the important points. But, these videos and interactive quizzes and voice overs binds our attention and enables us to keep on the required track as decided by the trainer or tutor. It is proven that such interactions helps in better visualize the concept and also deepens our thinking.

Learning has become Smart

These interactive media not only helps us simplify the concept but to better retain them over our conventional pedagogy. It is scientifically demonstrated that 9-12 minutes is the maximum that an individual’s attention can be effectively captured. So videos within this time frame ensure smart learning with significant information transfer.

An individual learner can better absorb the learning concept when he/ she is aware of the know-how of the platform or the medium used. So, one Smart technique to use is to adopt the most familiar tool to impart smart learning or make the users aware of the play. For example, searching something on google is a lot easier than on dogpile. Hence, awareness and familiarity with the package is one amongst the important strategy to adopt.

Elearning is constantly rising not because of the trend but majorly because of the usability, flexibility and affordability. The learning exchange, collaboration and accessing the best learning material is the clicks away. Not only with academics but also very famous with corporates. The Training and Development cell can make the learning reach the far-off stationed employee at individual’s convenience and pace. Employing elearnig methodology has fanatically reduced the training and development cost to the company.

Digitizing your learning content, making them available on the flexible and usable platform can make your content reach to the maximum and utilized maximum with expected outcome. Elearning technology has made learning more interactive, effective, fun, controlled, interesting and economical as well.

For more on economic and most effective methodology, drop me an email.